By entering this website, you agree that all of the content in this website is entirely fanmade. "Cytron Parcels" is a purely fanmade faction with fanmade fiction written for the game Arknights, published by Hypergryph. Do not use this site for any malicious deeds, such as: passing off the contents of this site as your own; passing off the contents of this site as real and canon to the game; using the contents of this site without our express permission; or disseminating the site to other people without our information or permission.


Headquartered in Siesta, Cytron Parcels is a rising delivery company with one motto: "Yours arrive first." Known widely as an underdog within international trade, Cytron Parcels has been noted for its exemplary speed and efficiency in delivering small packages to local areas and remains one of the best delivery and packaging options within the services of Siesta. Cytron Parcels is currently being headed by a young leader commonly known as Tange, and their many employees have been given codenames based on citrus fruit. Their operational quality is currently guaranteed by the Terra Associated Trade Organization as a verified local trade center.

Cytron Parcels has been present in Siesta for years, historically remembered by its founder, Cytron, the great-grandfather of the current owner, who led Siesta through a sandy Catastrophe long ago. Nowadays, the company is still modestly popular, but recent unfortunate incidents and rising gang tensions have hampered the company's reputation and safety. Nevertheless the company continues to thrive with the kindness of the residents of Siesta, as well as through the support of its investors and monetary donations from an unknown but familiar and maintained source.

The quiet midnight streets of Siesta have never been less familiar as a mysterious package is hurriedly and dangerously delivered to Cytron Parcels without rhyme or reason. All of a sudden, the humble company is thrown into a perilous and secretive position only further endangered by Cerise's past, one she had no part in nor control of.The events of SOUR MIDNIGHT TANGO are known as the first major undertaking and economical breakthrough of Cytron Parcels under their new leadership, allowing them to perform midnight logistics as a special branch of their company, creating new job opportunities with their night shift.

It had been a long time since Sienna returned to his world, but he didn't expect it to be by way of calamity and death barreling into his new world. His advent at Cytron Parcels was all of a sudden interrupted by the arrival of the Herald, a dangerous entity he had been pursuing in his world before he ended up in the world he was in, failing the first battle. Now with a new set of allies, a harnessed power, and the presence of old rivals turned stepping stones, Sienna has come back with a newfound strength to defeat his original enemy.Although this event had no benefit for the actual Cytron Parcels company, it grew most of the characters by way of strength and cooperation, increasing the ties of the main cast and solidifying their place in Siesta.

Sombre knew it well - that the ocean had enough space to bury the dreams of a people, and would still have enough left to settle the remaining waters - but somewhere, somehow, he had to ask for help. Fast forward a few months later and he had all but forgotten his original goal. As he approached the sea, he finds himself between a cliff and a high wave as he ponders his identity and relationships with his compatriots as he pushes through the unforgiving waters, searching for the moon, sun, and stars in the inverse of the sky.This event is still deeply work in progress, but the general lore has been set down; information will be released soon.

Who are the Creators?

Hi! We're Cytron Parcels (the Discord server) and we made Cytron Parcels (the fanmade project). We're a team of around 6 people, although the Discord has a total of 8 members excluding alt accounts. We work on this project for fun, but we take a lot of the worldbuilding aspects seriously and mess around with the character design a lot. Arknights was and still is a massive inspiration for all of us and being able to create this is a massive opportunity for all of us.Despite the amount of effort we put into it, especially with the nigh delusional goal of hopefully getting this event into Arknights in the first place, please don't use the information in this repository as fake Arknights information or spread word about it being that way! This is, after all, just a fanmade repository for keeping tabs on information. The last thing we'd want is to get the whole project taken down by Arknights because people are taking it the completely wrong way.Although the main descriptor of the project is that it is private, it is perfectly fine to share this repository and this repository alone. It's always good to increase the work and popularity of fanmade content, especially for a game like Arknights.
All assets used belong to Arknights; characters and event descriptions belong to Cytron Parcels.
If you want to contact us, you'll find our contact details in our respective Carrds!